Treatment of morning sickness
Some people seem to be surprised or frightened when hearing about acupuncture treatment, but medicine is unnecessary and it can be resolved by hitting an appropriate acupuncture point so thin that you do not feel pain.
From the time I give acupuncture to your hands and feet, the discomfort of the pit of the stomach disappears quickly and it becomes easy.
Cause of morning sickness
The cause of morning sickness is not yet clearly elucidated.
When I think about oriental medicine, when menstruation stops due to conception, the spirit of the meridian of “Chong mai ( = penetrating vessel ‘衝脈’ )” becomes vigorous compared with usual.
“Chong mai” is a transvesion which connects with the girl vesicles (uterus).
Chong mai elongs to the Yangming Meridian which is the Stomach meridian.
Therefore, it is thought that it is great when the nature of the qi becomes vigorous and it reverses, it is large or small, and it is thought that the stomach is hung upside down and morning sickness occurs.
Treatment Policy
It is operated to arrange the flow of the blood and qi mainly by using the Stomach meridian.
※There is a point which should not be stimulated in the pregnant woman.
Standard of treatment
About a few weeks to a month.
※ There are individual differences.
Patient Testimonials
- I felt refreshed without any stomach discomfort.
- I sometimes vomited, but the number of times decreased.
- Because I was taught how to moxibustion at home, I felt even more comfortable.
- I could eat, so I didn’t lose weight anymore.
- I was able to understand the acupuncturist‘s thought that “I want you to get somehow easier.”
And I was able to ask him with confidence.- It was a relief for me because I hated the morning sickness.